In 2006, Ron Jagers presented the mini-opera The Invitation with the KunstLimo. Theater festival Etcetera, an Amersfoort festival, booked the opera. Three weeks before the festival, the festival management cancelled the performance. This, of course, to the displeasure of Ron Jagers. But, an art limo has four wheels and can drive, even if a festival organization doesn't think so. Such was the plan. That same week he met Harmen Zijp, who was dealing with a similar acrimony. Soon they decided to create a parasitic festival: festival Franje. Within three weeks, a festival building was found - De Observant made its spaces available. And in that same time, 11 more acts signed up and the festival was able to show its face. Parasitically, without subsidy, on its own and with the support of De Observant, there was besides the official festival where makers could show their own productions. Click and see for yourself.

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